How to Construct a Primitive Tool That’s Worth Having at a Prepper’s Side When a Survival Situation Hits

primitive hunting tool

Making your own atl-atl is really easy to do and you don't need a lot of supplies to make it. Once you're done putting together this primitive tool not only will you feel accomplished, you'll learn how to make a tool that'll be invaluable during a SHTF situation.

Select a small hardwood branch about 18 to 24 inches long, with a small side branch. Cut off most of the side branch, but leave part of it sticking up as a pointed hook. Next, drill a small “cup” shaped depression in the end of a fletched dart. Three or four fletchings will help to stabilize its flight. This thin spear should range from 4 to 9 feet in length and be about a ½ inch in diameter.

When you are ready to throw, place the cup of the dart onto the hook of the thrower, pinch the dart with your thumb and index finger, and hold the thrower tight with your other three fingers. Move the thrower forward quickly and release your “pinch grip” to throw the dart.

It's good to learn how to make your own weapons from scratch because there may come a time where you have to improvise with what you have. Making a tool like this could be your answer. If your friends and family don't know how to make an invaluable tool like this, you should teach them!

Source: Outdoor Life

Featured Image via Tim MacWelch


  1. Sam Cyr said:

    Love the Atlanta have one for highly recommend

  2. Doug Las said:

    A spear made out of flimsy pvc pipe is about as useful as a limp ****.


