How to Avoid a Snake Bite… Instead of Suffering the Consequences

Most snakes are not at all dangerous to people. However, that doesn't change the fact that it still sucks to be bitten by one, venomous or not.

Even if a snake is not venomous, a bite can still become infected fairly quickly, which can be a huge hindrance on your camping or survival plans.

To avoid this unfortunate event, it's important to know the tricks of the trade when it comes to avoiding these slippery little guys.

While it's impossible to predict completely any animal's actions, snakes are fairly easy to predict and therefore avoid.

They are cold-blooded, meaning they depend on their surroundings to heat and cool them. How can you use this knowledge to your advantage?

Check out the next page to learn how to avoid this crafty reptile.

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  1. Rob Bumpass said:

    Im more worried about spiders since i was bitten 5 times last year by the lovely little brown recluse. Snakes though nah never worried about them. In WV all you have to do is use your nose because if you smell cucumber and dont see a patch then there is a copperhead nearby.


