How to Act if You Feel a Terrorist Attack is Eminent

suicide bomber

Recent terrorist attacks have everyone on edge and for good reason – anyone can be impacted by one almost at any time.

Given that is reality, you must have a plan of what to do if you are impacted and it has to cover being at home and being caught away from home.

Security check.

Do a quick evaluation of where you stand with regards to your personal security – which is ultimately your own responsibility.

Should a major terrorist attack occur, the instinctive reaction for many gun owners will be to go out and buy more ammo. With that said, it’s a good idea to preemptively check your inventory.

For maximum effect, an organized terrorist attack will likely focus on public spectacle to boost panic. Crowds. Public gatherings and events. Logically then, avoid these places when your instinct tells you…

Top off your gas tank.

Should you suspect that something may be about to happen, go out and fill your tank. Having a vehicle all set with ‘maximum range’ is always a good thing.

Stay close to home. Your home is your castle. It’s probably where most all of your preparedness inventory is kept. Should SHTF, home is where you will want to be.

Have a plan to get home.

If you’re in the region where the attack takes place, in a worst case scenario there might come a period of time when .gov issues a ‘lock-down’. Given the example of the Boston bomber teenager who shut down the entire region of the State, if there were to be a much larger scale coordinated attack than the Boston example – the resultant .gov reaction might pale in comparison.

Visit the ATM.

Having an interim supply of extra cash is always a good idea, so if your instinct is on alert, then pull some extra cash out of the bank for emergency ‘cash flow.’

For decades, as other places dealt with terrorist attacks, we in North America enjoyed relative safety.

That all changed with 9-11, but since then, Mexico, America and Canada have all had terrorist attacks that have affected, collectively, millions of people.

A plan for being at home and away from home when one occurs is critical for safety and peace of mind; to get more tips on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack, please visit Modern Survival Blog.


