How Prepping and Homesteading Are Similar

Homesteading Home

The following is written by Patrick Blair who has his own Facebook page and writes articles about prepping. He wrote the following when one of his long-time followers noted that he was sounding a bit more like a homesteader than a prepper.

Why I Feel Like Homesteaders and Preppers are the Same
I honestly feel like homesteaders ARE preppers — at least to a certain degree. They have learned to grow their own food in gardens. They also might be found to raise animals which would also provide food for their family in the form of milk, eggs and meat. They grow as much food as they can in as many ways as is possible for them, and if there are any portions of that food that might spoil or go bad before they can eat it, they learn to preserve it – canning, fermenting, curing, dehydrating, freezing, etc.
There are also those homesteaders that make their own cleaning supplies from common household ingredients (like laundry detergent and dish washing powders), hand wash their clothes and hang them to dry, and harvest rain water to water their gardens.
Now to you, this may seem like a bunch of “homesteady” stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with prepping — I, however, would challenge that line of thought. I think it IS prepping.
You see, most preppers are getting ready for “SHTF” or “TEOTWAWKI”. They’re stocking up on food (which is what homesteaders do), finding new ways to generate their own power (which is what a lot of homesteaders do), and have at least one gun (which most homesteaders already have — and practice shooting on a regular basis).
Let me ask you this — what is the end goal? Survival and self-sufficiency, right? Both of which are important to preppers and homesteaders alike.

He has more to say on the subject, including the differences between homesteading and prepping, and you can find more on this topic on Survival at Home.

In the end, we think, like Patrick, that homesteaders, preppers, survivalists and even the weekend warriors are all working toward  the same goal. If and when the SHTF we are going to be the men and women prepared for the event. We will be the people helping other people, guarding our way of life, and maintaining strength and presence for months and years to come.


  1. Offgrid Dreaming said:

    When I began, I considered myself a prepper. But now, I’ve become more of a homesteader. I think it’s a progression from being just prepared, to being able to sustain your lifestyle.

  2. Whitlox Wood-Fired Forge said:

    Like Offgrid Dreaming suggests, its prepping taken to another level. The more you pursue self sufficiency the more you realize how much infrastructure you need for a comfortable, family friendly, sustainable life. When your preps include a cow, garden, and forge, you are probably homesteading…


