How a Person Can Make Their Own Yeast for Homesteading and Survival

bread yeast

Yeast is more than a common ingredient in baking – it is a necessity if you want that fluffy, airy texture as well as the taste that accompanies different types of bread.

Here are a few simple ways to make your own yeast.

Raisin / Fruit Yeast


• Clean Glass jar. (24oz. or larger) Sterilize in hot water and allow it to dry.
• Water. Clean, filtered, or bottled is good. Tap water can be used, depending on your local conditions.
• Raisins or other fruit. Most fruits have traces of yeast on their skins. Note that you may not get as good of a result with fruit that has been washed and waxed.


1. Place three to four tablespoons of raisins in your jar. Adding a few tablespoons of honey or sugar will facilitate the fermentation process.
2. Fill the jar ¾ full with water. Place the lid on the jar lightly. Do NOT tighten the lid – you will want to allow some air to escape.
3. Place jar at a constant room temperature. Do not allow the jar to get cold. This will kill off the yeast and stop the process.
4. Stir at least once a day for three to four days.
5. When bubbles form on the top and you smell a wine-like fermentation you have yeast. The raisins, or fruit, should be floating.
6. Place your new yeast in the refrigerator.

Yeast from Grain/ Sourdough Starter

Yeast is already present on grain. All you need to do is to cultivate it in a manner similar to the above instructions. Here is a basic recipe for sourdough starter.


• 1 1/4 C unbleached all purpose flour or milled wheat berries
• 1 C clean warm water
• 1 sterile jar with cheesecloth or lid


1. Mix the flour and warm water, and keep at room temperature.
2. After several days, the mixture will start to bubble and will begin to rise.
3. Keep your starter in the refrigerator when not in use. Use as you would any sourdough starter.

Yeast from Potatoes

The starch in potatoes make it another prime candidate for yeast production.


• 1 unpeeled medium-sized potato
• 4 C warm water
• 1 tsp salt
• 1 tsp sugar
• 1 quart jar


1. Rinse your potato to remove dirt, but don’t scrub it too much.
2. Cut it into pieces to facilitate cooking, then boil until cooked through.
3. Drain, and save the water.
4. Mash the potato and add sugar and salt.
5. Allow mixture to cool until it is at room temperature.
6. Add water to the potato mash until whole mixture equals 1 quart.
7. Cover and let sit in a warm place and allow it to ferment for several days.

Whomever discovered yeast literally, probably inadvertently, changed the course of human diet and thus, the human experience.

Today, you can grow your own yeast to bake and ensure that you have a strong command of everything that you serve yourself and your family, while saving money.

To learn more about basic yeast production, including tips and do's and don't's, check out The Survival Mom.



