Homesteading Items You Can Grab At The Dollar Store

The following are just examples of what you can find at your local Dollar Store. Every emergency kit needs to be well supplied and much of what you are looking for does not have to cost an arm and a leg!

1. Sewing Needles. I found this very large pack of 60 sewing needles at the dollar store. Perfect for all the easy sewing projects you might be doing! This was a pretty exciting find for me since I just spent $4 at the fabric store the week before on needles….

2. Freezer Bags. I love freezer bags for saving food scraps for later and for preserving if I'm making things like Frozen Tomatoes or various types of frozen fruits. $1 for 20 freezer bags is a pretty good deal. Oh by the's a handy post on how long things last in the freezer.

3. Heavy String. I can find various kinds and thicknesses of string and twine at the dollar store most of the time. Just like buckets, string always seems to come in handy for various tasks.

4. Rice. We don't eat plain white rice but I do use it in a variety of projects such as Homemade Hand Warmers and Homemade Heating Pads. The dollar store seems to be the cheapest place I've found rice.

5. Epsom Salt. In case you don't already know, there are so many Uses for Epsom Salts. I particularly love them for a sore muscle soak and detox baths.

6. Rain Ponchos. I like to keep a few of those cheap rain ponchos in the mudroom for cold rainy days. They are also nice to keep in the car in case of an emergency.

7. Towels. Sometimes I use old clothing or other old things for rags around the house but my very favorite is small washcloths and cut up kitchen towels. Since towels are only $1 for a 2-4 pack at the dollar store they make perfect cheap Homemade Un-Paper Towels.

We’ve also found lip balm, flash lights, gardening gloves, and First Aid kit supplies as well! Go on over to Little House Living to learn more and see other items you can find at your neighborhood Dollar Store.

If you are a beginner prepper or homesteader, we sincerely believe the local Dollar Store is the place to start!


