Homesteader Built Underground Factory Beneath His Patio and His Neighbors Had No Idea


Sometimes you just have to smile at something absurd.

During our months of writing on these pages, we have applauded the iron fortitude of homesteaders, bush crafters, hunters, preppers and survivalists — and for a good reason!

They are the next generation’s heroes — the men and women — who will be around after the grid goes down. These people will be able to help and tell all those who have looked down on their efforts with a: “We told you so!”

Not that they would do such a thing, but they would have every right to rub some noses into the situational outcome!

But then you hear a story about a man who took his talents to a new bolder level, something not quite legitimate. While many may not agree with his enterprise, there is still a bit of admiration for the attempt (not that we're recommending you do the same, especially since it may be illegal in your area).

After the break go to the next page and read up on a cannabis growing prepper who fooled all his neighbors!

Next Page »


  1. Anonymous said:

    Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity
    and idolatry… . I Samuel 15:23 THE BIBLE When we reject Godliness and righteousness. Good deeds tend to openness; sin tends to be hidden.

  2. Blake Davis said:

    I guess. Give too many people the munchies and then there will be riots, looting, and mayhem bc of the shortage of food. Lol

  3. Blake Davis said:

    I guess. Give too many people the munchies and then there will be riots, looting, and mayhem bc of the shortage of food. Lol

  4. David Dathe said:

    Giving credit where credit is due even if the action is wholly criminal, to paraphrase the post, is intellectually stupid, logically inconsistent, ethically questionable, and morally reprehensible. I see no connection to survival knowledge or skills. Think next time. Think a long time.

  5. Anonymous said:

    Paul Bendall God gave us stones, hard and heavy, but He didn’t intend us to stone others with them; they have their proper use, given to us by God. God gave us drugs, a powerful blessing, but He didn’t intend us to stone ourselves with them; they have their use, given us by God. There’s a purpose for everything; everyone with a brain and a conscience knows that. But those who wish to disobey God willingly turn their back on their brain and their conscience to do that which He didn’t intend, and that which disappoints Him.

    Be honest with God; it’s the only way we can be honest withourselves. God loves you very much. Don’t turn your back on Him and His peace for something that will pass away with you. He loves you enough to have someone talk to you right now. You in particular, Paul. That’s not something discount: a message given to you in particular (and to abyone else He sends here, to read this)! He loves You that much! Think about that!

  6. Kristopher L Oltmanns said:

    If heaven is full of judgmental uptight people such as yourself Glen, I think I’ll bypass that part and just go hang with the aliens.

  7. Anonymous said:

    God bless you also, Kristopher. God loves you as much as He loves Paul.

  8. Tom Fallion said:

    It is for me, its the only thing that allows me to keep food down, and digest properly.

  9. Tom Fallion said:

    Yeah, the Batista’s at Starbucks deal out the drug known as caffeine. Bartender deal in alcohol. And marijuana does more for those who need it than either of the above will ever do, so what’s so wrong about drugs or dealing them?

  10. Eric DeBord said:

    Click bait bullshit . Put the story and pics on the first page.

  11. Andrew Jones said:

    One plant maybe. Two or three even. But when you have a pot bunker your in it for the money.

  12. Daniel Scott said:

    David maybe you should think next time, think a long time. People are prepping for a shtf scenerio in the future. You think if a nuke is detonated over the USA amd the EMP sends us back to the stone ages the trucks from the pharmaceutical companies are still going to be making their routine deliveries to all the pharmacies? Marijuana and other drugs that can be grown or made at home will become almost priceless and very valuable. Legality and morality are two concepts that will matter very little in that type of situation

  13. Daniel Scott said:

    Ugh, Facebook seriously needs to add a dislike button for comments

  14. David Dathe said:

    Exactly how many unavailable pharmaceuticals do think marijuana can substitute for? In an end-of-the-world scenario, I don’t believe the information in the post will be relevant to many people–there are so many other more important priorities.

  15. David Dathe said:

    I have deleted Die Hard Survivor from my list. I will endure being annoyed at always having to click to the second page for the story, but posts like this are making the ratio of useless information to information I can use unacceptable.

  16. AL Carter said:

    This is a total b******* article written by a total f****** moron there is no pictures or evidence of a$#%&!@*thing they talk about some break like it’s a f****** television program and it’s nothing but prattle written by someone with a fourth grade education do not waste your time

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