Here Are Some of the Freest States for Off-Grid Living

off grid US map

Bugging out to get to a safe place during a survival situation is a topic we all have thought about and most of us have an idea of where to go in the immediate aftermath.

Generally, that aftermath includes a few days, maybe a week in a safer place and then you return home.

But what if the aftermath lasts a long time – even years – where is the safest place to go for the long-term?

For most of us, our safe place is based on where we live – it is generally within three hours drive time of home.

If the situation is long-term, however, is your bug-out location in a place that is actually free, that will allow you to rebuild relatively unfettered?

To see a review of “free” states from a Libertarian-leaning organization's perspective, check out the next page.

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  1. Tony Chasco said:

    Can you call the homeless as off the gird living? If so California has half a million living off the gird.

  2. Carl William Brubaker said:

    I can safely assume orange is off the grid as I hail from Alaska. Where 90some percent of our land is off thevgrid.

  3. Noel Sundby said:

    Looks eerily similar to the electoral map. Red states seem to be more free than blue states.

  4. Fryguy said:

    Clearly you guys have never been to Indiana.

  5. Jason Kinneen said:

    Not only my state beats Texas on size but is a damn good place to live off the grid. I know I know. Talking about being off the grid on one of the biggest social medias.

  6. Jeremy Myers said:

    I lived in AK and found to be very socialistic. Maybe if you plan on living (And dieing) in the bush you could say it was free. Anyplace within 4 hours of civilization is regulated with no property rights. But I suppose property rights are only for those who want to own the land, not squat.

  7. Jeremy Myers said:

    Hard to get to AK and make a life unless you have lots of money. The living expenses there was out of this world!

  8. Jeffrey Jaworski said:

    Well if you figure where the biggest bunch of hypocrites live,you might find states like New York in a melt down with more citizens bearing firearms than the so called free states,they just don’t tell you,they preach their global warming crap,gun control crap,but they don’t live it folks

  9. Tom Disney said:

    I have people and refuge in my home state of Indiana,even though I’ve live in Florida for over thirty years.

  10. Mark Worden said:

    Freest? Really? Get an education before you try to voice an opinion! You’re dead before the race even begins! smh

  11. Timish Toribio said:

    I don’t know what you people are talking about. New Hampshire is a terrible place to be. Don’t move there.

  12. Zack Baker said:

    yeah listen to this guy….it sucks and noone should ever even visti….

  13. Timish Toribio said:

    Terrible place to visit especially if you’re from New York or Massachusetts.


