Here Are Some Incredibly Smart Ways to Use a Mylar Blanket for Doomsday


If you have a Mylar blanket in your bug out gear, here some clever ways to take advantage of it during a collapse!

Many survivalists know that a collapse can occur at any time. This is why we must always have our bug out gear packed with just the right amount of supplies. We would all love to stay in our comfortable homes, but this might not be possible because the power could be out for weeks or months. If this is the case, the area around your home may also not be safe.

What do you do if you have to bug out and don't have a tent that you can set up? Or what if you need to catch food and don't have enough fishing line?

These are just one of the many situations that having a Mylar blanket or two with you can help. This type of blanket may look strange, but they can be very handy when you need them the most!

To learn some of the best and important ways you can use a Mylar blanket for when Doomsday hits, please head on over to the next page.

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  1. Benjamin Wetherill said:

    Them blankets are life savers even though there paper thin but worth to carry just in case

  2. Anonymous said:

    You can make a solar oven with it but good luck trying to start a fire you can make a tent or lean-to out of it or put it under your tent to reflect your body heat back from the ground but I dare anyone to go out In the middle of winter in the snow or in the desert at night with just this yeah right I did in the Army training at Fort Irwin California the desert gets DAM COLD at night I guess this thing got me through it but no matter what I would put on I was freezing NEVER AGAIN they weigh almost nothing and are smart to have

  3. Robert Aubin Jr. said:

    They are paper thin but a little harder to rip than aluminum foil. I have mine gorilla taped to 4 mil thick 5×6 cut open clear plastic leaf bag with 3 other bags opened for my super shelter.

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