Hacks and Tools You Can Use While Camping or Bugging Out!

bugging out supplies

When you get down to it, a bug-out situation, especially if your destination point is primitive or if it takes a few days to get to it, is a lot like camping, just with a lot more stress.

That is why almost every survival expert encourages those inclined to bug-out in an emergency, to do dry runs and use a camping experience as a test for an actual bug-out situation.

Assuming the equipment you have in your bug-out bag or survival kit is the same as what you would use for camping, the latter provides you with a great opportunity to try different hacks and gear. This way you'll get a better understanding of what you would use and what would be the most useful to include in your survival gear.

The video on the next page covers several camping items that could easily make their way into your bug-out bag or survival kit.

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