Growing Potatoes In Straw? Learn This Old Harvest Technique

In terms of survival food, potatoes are hard to beat. Potatoes are a staple for most folks and can be prepared literally in dozens of ways.

Hash browns for breakfast, potato salad for lunch, baked potato for dinner – the ways you can use them as a food source is almost endless; some people even like to eat them raw.

In fact, potatoes are so vital a food source, the prepared survivalist should have a stash on hand both as a nutritious food alternative and as an emergency food that can sustain a person almost solely by itself.

Growing your own is an effective way to build that stash and with proper care, you can grow them almost anywhere.

One method of growing them is to use the “straw-method.”

We detail how to grow potatoes in straw on the next page – check it out!


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One Comment;

  1. Ray Watkins said:

    @[100000124222667:2048:Charles Neil Prestwood] @[184104330:2048:Stephanie Holmes Watkins] @[1823320764:2048:Jace Hargrove]


