Great Advice on How to Safely Drive a Tractor, Er, Okay, a Riding Mower!


This advice applies to operating a full-fledged tractor, but the exact same principles of safety apply to any size tractor.

Here is what you should always be mindful of when operating a tractor.

Get To Know Your Tractor

Get to know your tractor, its controls and how they work, this is the number 1 rule.

Keeping the user’s guide handy will allow you to familiarize every part of your tractor and this will help you in operating it safely and properly.

Know Your Terrain

Know your terrain and always drive safely. Use extra precautions on slopes, decrease speed on all turns and avoid the highway as much as possible.

Never Bounce Off A Moving Tractor

Never bounce off a moving tractor or abandon it with its motor running.

Do Not Refuel Your Engine When It’s Hot or Running

Do not refuel your engine when it’s hot or running and never put water on the radiator when the engine is still hot, hot water can scald and erupt. Gasoline is not only flammable, but it is also explosive in vapor form.

The best time to refuel your tractor is during night time after all the day’s work is done so the engine will have enough time to cool down. This also helps in preventing condensation that normally occurs overnight in an empty or partially full tank.

Never Be On The Rush

Never be in a rush if your task has something to do with your tractor. I believe it has been established that a tractor is a very powerful machine that can cause serious harm t0 you and even to your property so make sure to take all the time you need when doing chores involving your tractor.

Always remember and follow these commandments my fellow homesteaders as this is for your own safety. If you have any questions do not hesitate to consult your dealer.

Other advice also applies – always know who is around the tractor when it is running or cooling down, do not operate it if you have been drinking, never reach underneath your deck if the machine is on, etc.

Safely operating a tractor is easy, but you have to use common sense.

To see other tractor operation advice as well as some maintenance tips, check out Homesteading.

Featured Image via helpfulgardener


