Google Released 20 Million Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes and We’re Wondering if This is What Inspires Apocalyptic Films



  1. Steven Lowe said:

    Really tired of trying to read your articles after being blocked by popups that won’t go away unless i sign up or buy something. Unfollowing you. Stupid$#%&!@*tactics.

  2. Freya Mears said:

    There’s nothing to worry about. They’ve given them an STD which will kill off this year’s eggs. It’s a naturally occurring and very common parasitic bacterium ( which naturally infects bugs up to 70% of insects, and some species even NEED it to continue breeding.

    It’s late. I’m tired. Read them yourself:

  3. Freya Mears said:

    All they did was infect loads on purpose to help nature do what it already does.

  4. James Mahon said:

    What happens to the animals that feed on mosquitoes? What is the rest of the biological impact?

  5. Kayla Mallar said:

    A Domino effect of sick animals. Man will be the doom of the earth.

  6. Stoney Smith said:

    They were not genetically engineered. They were infected with Wolbachia bacteria. The naturally occurring (harmless to humans) bacteria create a no viable egg when the infected male mates with a female. Stop your fear mongering.

  7. Harold Mcdermott said:

    It being known for quite some time now that when a person catches the flu a little bit of that food DNA is released into the human and vice versa so does mosquitoes get the flu or viruses?

  8. Freya Mears said:

    I provided links showing that and my reply was marked as spam.


