Getting Bit by a Brown Recluse is Serious. Here’s How to Treat it Before it’s Too Late:

brown recluse

It is that time of year where, once again, we have to safeguard ourselves from being bitten by many varieties of nefarious insects. Already, we’ve been chewed on by mosquitoes, having to buy a highly popular insect repellent to keep them away from our tender skin.

But then we have ants, wasps, and spiders – not to mention a bunch of other flying and crawling insects. Most are not that big a deal. You might get a bite or sting from one or the other but unless you are severely allergic you should get past it with little delay.

However, one of the few crawlies you may want to distance yourself from is the Brown Recluse Spider. Every year, when the weather gets warmer, we get warnings about this little devil – mostly in the eastern part of the United States – and for good reason.

After the break go over to the next page and find out just how serious the bite of a Brown Recluse Spider can be! Then learn how to treat it before it's too late! 

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  1. Everett E Jones said:

    Viniger will neutralizw the bit not to long ago,started to make a hole in my finger by the second day of draining it,sprayed viniger on it an it had ckosed an heales by the end of the a dimple were it used to be…but steal

  2. Gary Scarborough said:

    Rolled over on one in my sleep. Got a sterile abscess on my butt. They’re nothing to mess around with!

  3. Wayne Baird Jr. said:

    The treatments offered here are going to get people killed. Or at least lost appendages. Apply charcoal? That’s like saying it’s a good idea to suck out snake venom from a wound, it doesn’t exactly work that way…..just saying.

  4. Al Glossian said:

    Luckily they aren’t in Maine unless they hitch a ride up here.

  5. Glen Holt said:

    1.) Cover bite/wound with activated charcoal paste you make and tape it on. 2.) Utilize echinacea pills to fight off the infection caused by the brown recluse bite. This is their off grid remedy. Other suggestions would be welcomed 🙂

  6. Andrea Jarvis said:

    Denae got bit by one after Hurricane GUSTAV…HAD TO GET SHOTS…SKIN TURNED BLACK!! ER TRIP!

  7. Jerry Lassiter said:

    I got bit by one last fall sitting in a tree stand….no fun at all. It was a 5 week ordeal.

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