Genius Ways Hiking Can Prep You For Survival

Did you know hiking can be an excellent resource for survivalists? We've found some awesome ways you can use your time outdoors to better prepare yourself for survival situations and test your skills. The benefit of doing this of course is that you'll know first hand which equipment/scenario/weather etc., will work best for you because you're testing the limits yourself!

Another benefit of performing these tasks while hiking is that you can space them out. No need to do everything at once! You can pick and choose which situations you'd like to test out, but we encourage you to test a lot. Doing this will ensure better outcomes and help you identify your resources. Mentally you'll be aware that you're not in an emergency or SHTF scenario, so its a great way to test your methods with a clear head. Outside of an emergency you're not pressed for time, stressed or feeling a sense of urgency to complete a task. Working in a semi controlled environment will help you improve upon and refresh your skills.

Continue reading and we will share these Genius Ways Hiking Can Prep You for Survival! 


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