Garage and Yard Sales – Why They’re Your Secret Survival Source

garage sale

Yard sales pop up starting in early spring and usually last until late into the fall.

They are amazing opportunities for the survivalist to pick up vital equipment, materials and supplies and usually at bargain basement prices; here are some things to look out for.

Cast Iron Cookware – This stuff tends to be pretty pricey when buying brand new, but you can get it for about half the price at a garage sale. Cast iron pans are exactly what you need for cooking over an open fire, which is going to take the place of your kitchen stove when the power is out.

Camping Gear – Anything that has to do with camping, i.e. cook stoves, tents, lanterns and so on can all be major assets to your emergency supply stash. When the power is out or you are forced to bug out to the wilderness, camping will be the way of life and any gear you have is going to make life easier.

Gardening Tools – Buy extra hoes, rakes, shovels and other gardening equipment. Your prepper garden will need tending and you will likely not have gasoline to run your equipment. These tools tend to break after time so you want to have backups. You also want to have plenty of tools so more than one person can tackle a big job at the same time.

Emergency Supplies – Look for things like candles, radios, first aid kits and so on. Even the half-used candles can be bought for cheap and melted down to make your own larger candles.

Tools – You are going to be your own handyman and will need to take care of any repairs around the house. You may even need to build a shelter. Pick up extra hammers, wrenches, axes, screwdrivers and so on. Keep in mind that you can never have too many tools. If you have 6 hammers, you could always use one to barter with to get something else you need.

Manual Kitchen Tools – Visit garage sales where older people have lived. You are sure to find old hand grinders and a variety of other hand kitchen tools that will come in handy when you don’t have electricity. Look for can openers, meat grinders, graters and manual hand mixers.

Bug Out Bag Gear – You are sure to find things like lighters, matches, rain ponchos, knives, and other things you can put into your bug out bag. Look for small tarps and even backpacks that can be used to make a bug out bag.

Yard sales are great opportunities to find needed bug-out and survival materials, supplies and equipment at great prices.

One tip: If you live in an area that has a prolonged or harsh winters, hit yard sales in early to mid-spring – that is when yard sale sellers who have experienced a divorce or death in the family over the winter unload unwanted items – and they usually do it for pennies on the dollar.

To learn more about what to look for in yard sales, please visit the Urban Survival Site.


