Freezing Produce For Preserving Meals Properly

With recent grocery store discounts and crazy “buy one crate of bananas and get the second at half the price” end of Summer sales, any survivalist or homesteader is going to want to take advantage and enjoy some savings along with their sweet and savory treats.

Freezing is ideal, especially during those months when it’s storming outside, either rain or snow, and you don’t want to leave the home to go grocery shopping. Just think of all those crazy frozen veggies you can store away then make a nice big man-sized pot of lip-smacking soup! Yeah, I know you are thinking about canned vegetables but, really, they just don’t taste as good as fresh-frozen.

Unfortunately, not all freezing is declared equal. There are some tips and tricks an novice freezer-guy needs to know to get the most out of their frozen fruits and vegetables.

Go on over to page two to see what an expert can tell you about freezing food for longevity and flavor.

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One Comment;

  1. Josh Dirickson said:

    When sealing ziplock bags use a sink full of water. Put the bag in the water and let the pressure from the water push the air out.


