For Easy Fire-Starting Out in the Wild, Check Out How to Make a Char Cloth

char cloth

In the wild, whether in a survival situation or merely on a camping trip, one of the first priorities that will jump to mind is the urge to build a fire.

Having a fire creates an immediate sense of calm, as it psychologically places something under your control, making it easier to make further decisions as to how you should tackle whatever situation you're in.

Unfortunately, lighting a fire is not always easy. If all you have is a spark rod, flint, and steel, or a few matches, it will be a much harder task than if you had a lighter, particularly if your tinder is slightly damp or if it's a windy day.

For those conditions, you'll really want to have some char cloth in your possession.

Learn how to make this miracle material on the next page.

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  1. Luke Handy said:

    Substitute super-fine steel wool instead of char cloth. It’s easier yet and works when damp.


