Feminine Hygiene in a Survival Environment

woman at sunset

There are many different areas of normal life that get overlooked by most people as they prepare for encountering and making it through a survival setting.

Making sure you have food-diversity so you and your loved ones do not tire of eating the same stuff day after day is one area.

So is feminine hygiene and feminine hygiene products.

While most survivalists cover food, survival equipment and materials, very little, or not enough thought is given to basic feminine hygiene needs, especially in a longer-term survival setting.

Just because you are facing a survival situation, however, does not mean that basic bodily functions stop.

In fact, in many cases, they can become exacerbated because of the stress of being forced to live outside most of our comfort zones.

To learn what you need to stockpile and what you can DIY in regards to feminine hygiene, check out the next page.

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