FEMA Markings: Why Everyone Should Take the Time to Learn What They Mean

FEMA markings

If you have ever been in a large scale disaster or know of a person who has — such as after a hurricane or tornado — then you likely have seen markings on the front of a building.

These markings are codes for FEMA searchers and they are designed to help you and searchers learn more the buildings such as what's inside and whether it's okay to enter.

In a disaster zone, in particular, one that has led to a system-wide catastrophe, a person's main option may be to forage for supplies. If that's the case that means entering an abandoned building that's in disrepair.

While wise advice tells you to stay out of the building, if the situation is dire enough you may not have another choice.

Therefore understanding these symbols and what they stand for not only will help your search goes easier, but they may also help you stay out of trouble!

To find out what these symbols mean and what they're about head to the next page. 

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  1. Deanna Cook said:

    Google them to see what they mean on one page, I’m gonna try to

  2. Deirdre Greene said:

    Ok. So here is the question. Should WE fake Femara markings at some point. If so how might they help us?

  3. Evan Hawk said:

    Do not,I repeat. Never enter a FEMA camp in times of distress. They may not let you leave. In fact, they most likely won’t. Explain that one.?

  4. Danny Taylor said:

    Not only that,$#%&!@*hits the fan, mark your own house. Keeps people that know what it means out

  5. Jay Abiona said:

    That is very true. I will share it on the credible security solutions page. I hope all is well.

  6. Bud Rico said:

    Did these first hand at Katrina! Wow the memories! Christopher Hardy Shane Christopher Roberts Jason Carpenter Zacq Dickinson Joey Santiago Junior Vasquez

  7. Mike Tovr said:

    Just stay frosty, this kind of situations are a snipers and strangler’s paradise…

  8. Shawn Watters said:

    All is good with us. Moving to East coast in a few months. We are very excited!

  9. Shawn Watters said:

    All is good with us. Moving to East coast in a few months. We are very excited! How are you?

  10. Scott Riffas said:

    Meh.. they were useless when I survived hurricane Wilma and Katrina. One of there workers stabbed several people when I lived in Key West and I was asked to be silent and warned not to go to the media about it. I’d rather trust in my own survival than to go to people that will probably force me into a work camp in a tight humanitarian disaster

  11. Ande Anderson said:

    These are no secret. You do any kind of rescue classes for urban areas you know these

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