Feathered Friends Vireo Sleeping Bag Weighs Less Than a Pound, Making it the Ideal Bug Out Companion

sleeping bag


Wandering the wilderness, hiking and climbing up steep slopes and over unforgiving rocks, while satisfying for some can be an absolute pain for others. However, as survivalists, it is the price we pay for the future we are training for and exploring what we love.

However, doing all of this does not mean we have to carry a heavy load of survival gear every time we take a trip out into the woods. There are items you can take with you that weigh less than a pound and will make a hiker’s life much easier. Particularly if you are an outdoorsman that loves to walk for miles before camping out.

One of these items is an elephant foot sleeping bag from Feathered Friends. The Vireo sleeping bag is a no-frills outdoor bed and a wonder for those outdoorsmen who want to camp out but really do not need the extra weight on their backs while getting there!

To learn more about this incredible sleeping bag and what makes it the it bag, head to the next page. 

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One Comment;

  1. Dave Marx said:

    Advertise it all you want. Until I see a reasonable price, it’s not going in my camping gear. :/

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