Fascinating Facts About Brown Recluse Spiders That Remind Us That Knowledge is Power

brown recluse spider

One of humanity's most significant shared fear is arachnophobia. We learn from a young age that spiders are disgusting, terrifying creatures that should be avoided at all costs and smothered with a paper towel every time they are found in our homes.

We learn that spider bites are painful, dangerous, and at times deadly, and that the only way to avoid spider bites is to kill every spider we see.

Of course, these are all learned fears, and what unites all learned fears is that they almost always exaggerated and distorted views of a very minor threat. Most spiders can, indeed, bite, but most bites will go unnoticed simply because most spiders can do us no harm.

In the case of the brown recluse spider, though, these fears are fairly well founded. A bite, while rarely deadly, can do extensive damage.

In order to avoid this fate, one must learn as much as one can from such a creature. Proceed to the next page to learn more.

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  1. Jason Melia said:

    I agree come on die hard survivor. I liked your page to get cool ideas for prepping. Instead we get this crap. I want to click on your posts but don’t want to put up with imaginary virus detection or win a fake Walmart gift card. Clean up your CRAP!!!!!

  2. Howard Mayberry said:

    Been there done that , I found that home made silver suspension poured into the wounds helps a lot ,

  3. Matt Bailey said:

    Windex with ammonia. Catch it early, make a small ‘x’ cut, n soak it down with windex. Duct tape for two days, n resoak with windex, then duct tape again… two days later, all gone. It’ll look like a BB gun accident.

  4. Danny Hollendoner said:

    Hey. Yeah, it was kind of crazy to find, but it seems they’ve been seeing them a lot in S Illinois recently. The weather has been silly warm and they are turning up the farm we live next to…so maybe that’s what got it out and about.

  5. Jeffrey Lytle said:

    Not all windex has ammonia? Also, how do you attest to this? Does it work? Is it safe? and what might be the worse outcome of trying it?

  6. Matt Bailey said:

    Personal experience. Got bit on top of foot at ankle, taking a piss one morning; lucky enuff to get the lil bastard w/o crushing him with tp. Knew immediately what it was. I’ve seen these mofo’s more times than I’d like to count. Anyway, the windex I had had ammonia in it. (I don’t go to hospitals unless it’s kicking n screaming n drugged), just started thinking calmly about what would kill or clean something like that… so I took a blade, made an ‘x’ on bite mark, squeezed and then started soaking it with windex. [OWWW, btw] .. put a band aid on, n wrapped it pretty tight w duct tape. 2 days later unwrapped it, didn’t look horrible but didn’t look good either, so I repeated process; less the ‘x’ blading and added neosporin this time….2days later unwrapped the duct tape, pulled off the bandaid and it looked Damn Good! I was realll surprised that mcguyver$#%&!@*worked. Let it air out for another three days, and now all it looks like is a BB gun accident that happened years ago. Actually, practically no mark at all; just a small flesh colored circle on top of my foot at ankle…. don’t get me wrong tho, the first 4-5 days were painful man. I run, bike, do whatever..no problems. Can’t even tell it’s there unless I’m showing it..

  7. Eric Blanchard said:

    Have them in Missouri. Which is hardly south. It more central. That little map have looks like might have some in southern Iowa as well

  8. Matt Bailey said:

    I’m no doctor but I got a pretty good head on my shoulders.. I didn’t know if it would work or not, but turns out it did..well too. I didn’t have a reaction to the windex in the cut I made, but you know what they say: different strokes for different folks… I’d do it again if I had to, put it that way. Good luck bro

  9. Zoi Gauna said:

    Eric Blanchard Sorry, south west was supposed to be mid-west. They can be found all the way to southern Iowa, so yeah all of Missouri has them. And as far west as west Texas (and some parts of California) but they are not found all across the US.

  10. Jose R Mateo said:

    One of these bad boys were at my Job site here in NC.

    I crushed it with a Hammer. Muhahahahahahaha

  11. Shelley Budd said:

    I have a ton of these suckers at my apartment, nothing seems to get rid of them. Never been bit tho, knock on wood. I just use extra caution around wood piles, dark spaces in houses, cardboard boxes & things that haven’t been moved in some time.


