Expert Bushman Argues Why Understanding Basic Bushcraft Skills Are Crucial to Outback Survival

hunter with rifle bushcraft

According to Bob Cooper, everyone should learn how basic bushcraft skills that will help them thrive and survive until people come to rescue them. Here is a report from ABC Australia:

Bob Cooper has been teaching bush survival skills for more than 30 years, and said people were increasingly relying on technology, and were increasingly helpless without it.

“People are losing their bush-craft skills and their common sense skills,” he said.

“[They] can go out with their GPS and go to a remote locations and find them easily.

“But when the thing stops working, people don't know what to do, and they're out of range with their mobile phone.”

Learning the most basic wilderness skills could be a matter of life or death. These skills are important to learn even if you don't camp or go on adventure travel often. To learn what other skills are important to learn that not only are bushcraft tasks but that also can be applied during a critical SHTF moment, visit ABC Australia.

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