Everyday Carry – What It Includes and Why It’s Important

pen and paper

Everyday Carry (EDC) is exactly what it sounds like: Survival equipment that you should always have on your person or quickly accessible for use in a survival situation.

Some survival incidents can be predicted (like a hurricane or impending blizzard.)

Some cannot be specifically predicted, but the chances of a survival incident occurring can be reasonably assessed (like a prediction for severe storms with a cold front coming through in the Summer or the possibility of a tornado happening somewhere in tornado alley.)

Most survival situations, however, are not able to be predicted and surprise even the most prepared survivalist (as in an earthquake or a severe storm path that suddenly diverts along a new path.)

All that means is the volatility of these types of occurrences demand that you be always prepared and maintaining an EDC list is one way of doing that.

To learn what EDC equipment you need at a minimum, check out the next page.

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