[VIDEO] Essential Knots You Should Learn

Knowing how to tie a few basic knots is a critical life skill you need to learn – whether you are facing a survival situation or just in everyday life.

Unfortunately, not many people really know how to tie a fool-proof knot and many do not know how to tie a knot at all (or at least any knot of value.)

But whether tying something to the roof of your car, securing a tent-line or hauling something in a survival situation, a well tied knot can make the difference between success or failure.

This video covers seven basic knots you need to know, whether you are working around your house, campaign or in an actual survival situation.

Those knots are: Square knot, bowline knot, two half hitch knot, taught line knot, clove hitch knot, figure-eight knot and sheet bend knot.

Check out the video on the next page to see what you need to know to tie a secure knot.


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