During a Blackout Here are 6 Vital Things to Keep on the Down Low



The frightening truth is many people cannot be trusted. We hate to say that because there are plenty of good people in this world who only want only good things for all.

Yet, during a time of desperation, when resources are low and only those who were smart enough to prepare for a potential power outage are thriving, people do crazy things.

It reminds us of that old Twilight Zone (c) episode where a neighbor has built a bomb shelter and his friend all laugh at him. While they have been playing, going to Hawaii and on cruises, he and his family have been working on their shelter. Then one evening, during a party, an attack is reported on the radio.

While this man and his family go to their shelter his friends have nothing but their basements to run to. They all converge on this man’s house and in their eagerness to claw their way into his shelter they become a mob and destroy it. The attack is called off and the neighbors want to go back to the way it once was, with parties and friends, but that is no longer possible.

Over on the next page, we are going to list six (6) vital things to keep on the down low.

You may love your friends and neighbors and they may think they love you too but despair can make human beings do frightening things.

Next Page »


  1. Dave Sabelfeldt said:

    Lets see…my neighbors of 11yrs dont know I eat or cook, dont know I have guns, ammo & hunt, dont know I have a generator, dont know I have solar lights, dont know I go camping all the time with dhitloads of camping gear, dont know I keep 10 gals of gas on hand to mow the lawn with and they dont know I have a job and earn money either.
    What a stupid article…youre going downhill fast!

  2. Don Rusler said:

    While your friends and neighbors may know those things does everyone within a 10 mile radius of you? Or the next town that starts trying to look around and move outward in search of supplies etc? Tips never hurt and if you already know or dont need the info maybe it could help another person or at least provoke the thoughts ppl need to be thinking?

  3. Raymond Roberts said:

    Biggie said it best! “Rule #2 never let em know your next move. Bad boys move in silence and violence, take it from your highness!”

  4. Beth Schafer said:

    On the point of solar panels – look into solar shingles. They don’t look like solar panels, so no one would know you have them. There’s also solar windows that just look like tinted glass.

    For power, there are magnetically powered electricity generators being designed and patented. They work the same way a gas generator does, but rather than using a combustion engine to spin an alternator, it uses opposing magnetic fields. It’s quiet and can be operated indoors due to no issues with exhaust.

    The rest, we just have to pick our battles with.

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