Doomsday Versus Practical Survival – Which is Smarter?

man with gas mask

One of the great debates of survival preparation is the degree to which someone should be prepared.

Some feel a doomsday scenario is the optimum goal, while some do not even prepare.

Both pose their own challenges and the right amount of preparation certainly is beyond the unprepared, but probably falls short of preparing for The-End-Of-The-World-As-We-Know-It.

Sure, those preparing for the worst might be like the Biblical Noah building his ark for a catastrophic flood when no one even knew what rain was.

But Noah allegedly happened several millennia ago and since very few natural or man-made disasters have gotten beyond even a regional “harm-zone.”

So what is the realistic level of preparation?

For most, it is preparing for a survival situation that allows a person to survive without traditional comforts for up to a few weeks.

Coming from that mentality, the next page shows you what you should use as a base for your own preparation efforts.

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  1. Rick Sullivan said:

    I don’t understand this doomsday prepper stuff? The world is a$#%&!@*hole now and will be even worse after d day. Why the$#%&!@*would anyone want to survive a “doomsday?” I for one would rejoice if the “end” was near.

  2. Chris Robling said:

    Doomsday if you got the money for everything. I’d it doesn’t happen you are set

  3. Kevin Metcalf said:

    Practical prepping is definitely better than preparing for “doomsday”. You’re more likely to experience an earthquake or tornado a busted waterline in your home than to experience the apocalypse. You’re Geiger counter isn’t going to do$#%&!@*for you when there’s been an electrical storm and the power is out.


