DIY Badass Speargun for Survivors


What you'll need:

  • Bamboo (if you don't have access to this in nature, you can always grab some from your local hobby store)
  • Duct Tape
  • Rubber bands
  • Hollow mountaineering strap
  • Cordage
  • Arrows (bamboo sharpened to a spike with a knife)

This seems like a very effective way to catch fish. You can gather quite a bit of speed with the use of the spear, which should eliminate opportunities for fish to run away. Prior to trying this out in water, we recommend that you create some perform some target practice. Doing allows you to get used to the spear-gun shape and improve your aim.

Have You Made a Speargun for Catching Fish?

If you have experience building or creating spearguns or if you know have some tips or critiques that we could benefit from, please share them with us and our readers in the comments section of this post. Thanks in advance for contributing! Photos and videos are welcomed.


