DIY PVC Pipe Longbow for an Affordable Price

shooting a bow

Depending on the type and duration of the survival situation you face, you may need to use your surroundings to make weapons for hunting food and possibly for protection as well.

If the SHTF situation continues through an extended period, you may even have to resort to hunting with traps and a bow and arrow.

If that situation should take place, one option you have is to fashion a bow out of PVC pipe, tape and some cordage.

While the rigidness of the bow does not last terribly long, a PVC pipe bow would be a quick-fix solution to hunting small game. An arrow shot from a PVC pipe would be more than enough to capture small game.

To see how to construct a bow from PVC pipe, check out the next page.

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  1. Sammy Marchand said:

    Lame. These arrows spear to be moving in the 100fps range. As a bow hunter I can tell you that a lethal bow is more in the 250-300fps range. It would be almost impossible to kill anything with the bow in this video.

  2. Michael Bailey said:

    Except when it is colder than$#%&!@*and the Pvc breaks and smacks you in the face lol

  3. Nate MacDonald said:

    Nope. The bear is a recurve though, and my oneida is fuckin awesome, accurate and smooth shooting bow, and it’s over 20 years old

  4. Dustin Dailey said:

    You can make it a 40 to 60 lb bow by starting at 1 1/2″ pic and inserting smaller sizes finishing with a 1/4-1/2″ thick fiberglass Rod in the middle,

  5. Sammy Marchand said:

    I have serious doubts about that. Even if someone could actually hit a target that small with this.

  6. Mike Covaleski said:

    Ive tried to make one couldnt get the the pipe to go in the other one. ………….anyone

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