Democrats Are Trying to Strip Coloradans of Their Rights


In Colorado, Democrats and Republicans are arguing over whether people have the right to rain barrels in their homes.

When it rains, people collect water in barrels for their own use, cutting the necessity for running water.

Both sides are arguing whether this should be legal or not. As you all know, certain states have restrictions on self-sufficient they can live.

Find out what Democrats and Republicans are saying about this issue and what is being done about it on the video after the break.

Coloradans want to have the legal right to collect rain water and hope that their needs will be heard.

Find out what Democrats and Republicans are saying about the legal right to collet rain water in Colorado on the next page!

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  1. Karrie Steely said:

    Ditto Adam carpenter’s comment. The right was passed into law last year, was not a partisan issue. Unliking Homesteading Freedom, I’m not here for fake propaganda.

  2. Barbara Covington said:

    rain barrels legal…and for the record, they became legal when the representatives elected became a democratic majority. tell the truth always, we are already fractured enough as a populace.

  3. Don Hill said:

    The government is mainly working on the west and then work their way east

  4. Josh Asmus said:

    They already passed the law and we can have 110 gallons worth of stoarge. Old news

  5. Troy Scott said:

    A majority of people not reliant on government is a direct threat to government jobs and the ability of the government to enslave and extort money from the people.

  6. Michelle Dormer said:

    Well we wouldn’t want anyone to be able to survive without government assistance would we? This is something that needs to go away for all states.

  7. Dillon Chavez said:

    Demcrats and Republicans go hand in hand one cannot exist without the other. So we should get rid of them both.

  8. Michelle Dormer said:

    FYI – it’s not just a republican thing of making rainwater collection illegal. Here in Washington and Oregon it’s illegal. Both run by democrats. So no pointing fingers.

  9. Richard Hartland said:

    Already a bipartisan settled issue with votes supporting our rights from both Dems answer Republicans. Do your research Idiot haters with no idea about fake propaganda.

  10. Dave Ide said:

    Oregon is just as screwed up . We need to outlaw liberals ..

  11. Gordon Gray said:

    The point is you should not have to keep something like filling a rain barrel a clandestine operation.

  12. Gordon Gray said:

    Or stand up like a FREE man and do what you want in your own property.

  13. Conan Carroll said:

    And so what. …they fine you? …you don’t pay….and let me guess you go to jail. ..?…really? we need government oversight to wipe our$#%&!@*with their ridiculous revenue generating laws. ..?hey ever hear of sovereignty? ….what special kind of stupid …#ashamedofmygovernment

  14. Shawn Cowan said:

    Its rain water why is there even a law about this so what if people collect it. Who the hell even came up with the idea of control over it they need to beat. I heard that Maryland taxes rainfall

  15. Chris Patterson said:

    Well sometimes good men must break laws. I understand you shouldnt have to worry about it,but honestly what can ya do? Atleast here and now

  16. Jolandi Viljoen said:

    Now where are those people that says prisoners should be shot in a SHTF scenario? One you do what was ALWAYS legal and your God given right, two your “friendly” politician decides that’s illegal (what ever the reason may be) and you end up with your butt in jail…

  17. Michael Baumer said:

    So the government owns the rain now I guess it is something else it wants to screw up.

  18. Richard Helmer said:

    Ya, damn those democrats. Always wanting to feed the hungry and heal the sick. What a bunch of assholes.

  19. Donald R Wester said:

    But they don’t feed the hungry or heal the sick. They take money from tax payers and use some of it to feed the hungry and heal the sick. They keep most of the money for themselves.

  20. Beverly Brockett Bowden said:

    It is the law in Oregon. Who owns the rain? The US government apparently now. In the past few years laws over making the collection of rainwater illegal have been causing an uproar across the US. In some cases it has to do with massive dams on large areas of land, but it is also the attempt to limit basic survival skills and being self-sufficent.

  21. Shawn Petitt said:

    Our rights have been being stripped from all of us, for quite some time. Its time to rebel & fight for each & every single one. We as a whole, are the true power.

  22. Nathan Purk said:

    Didn’t we just pass a law allowing this? Stranger yet why do we have to pass laws laws allowing the collection of water?? Lol

  23. Gene H. Dreher said:

    Democrats aren’t picking on Coloradans, they want to strip EVERYONE of their rights.

  24. Clint Williford said:

    If you’re not drinking city water, you’re not consuming your government prescribed chemicals (drugs) and this is a problem.

  25. Lyle Tipple said:

    Shawn Cowan I know where you are coming from and agree. If only people took a moment to study legit history sites one can easily find that the older Democratic party wasn’t the party of today.

    Though the actual Democratic party didn’t officially start the KKK, it was made up of primary Democrats. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, believed to be the KKK’s first Grand Dragon, even spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention

    It wasn’t until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that it caused the “white supremacist” within the Democratic party to leave.

  26. Mark Aguilar said:

    wow so the poor can’t even get water for them self, very self center choice.

  27. Mandy Gruper said:

    It is already illegal to collect rainwater here in Nevada. You can however divert it for immediate use.

  28. Scott Ransbottom said:

    I’d put more out now, if I lived in Colorado. I live in Ohio and I have 3 rain barrels, soon to have more for reserve to run my washer and toilet…

  29. Joey Delgado said:

    “Republicans want to make sure rain barrels don’t put a crack in state water law and ensure that those with the oldest and most expensive water rights get their fair share before those with no rights get a drop.
    Rep. Jessie Danielson, a Democrat from Arvada, said the House bill she’s sponsoring is about clarifying the law, which might encourage more people to use rain barrels. The measure has passed the state House and is headed to the Senate.
    “Even if we can conserve the smallest amount of water, it is less treated drinking water being poured out onto our lawns,” Danielson said.” Taken from your article Die Hard Survivor.
    Seems to me that you should read your articles before posting them, but then again you probably wanted to use that headline as clickbait.
    Note: this is not a political statement in support of one party or another. This is just a statement on how you created an untruthful headline to get people to click on your link.


