Delicious Jerky Marinade Recipes You Need to Try NOW

beef jerky

Storing plenty of food is a necessary process for the active prepper and one that no one should take lightly. While it may be a first thought for many to stock up on tons of rice and beans, as well as a few tons of canned foods and twenty years worth of MREs, many people forget to stock up on the original long-term foods. One such food is jerky.

Jerky has existed in many forms for about as long as humans have been actively hunting and cooking their food. They learned that by smoking their meat until nearly all of the moisture was gone that it would keep for much, much longer.

The same principle will apply just as well today, which is why if you are a hunter, or you raise your own animals, some of that meat should be designated for use as jerky.

On the next page, you can try two amazing recipes to use to create your one jerky for long-term storage.

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