Creek Stewart From ‘Fat Guys’ Debunks a Dehydration Myth – You’ll Never Guess What People Believe!

dehydration myth

Urine is your kidneys way of cleaning your blood stream of pollutants caused by cellular metabolism.

While it is 0ver 90% water, it also possesses organic and inorganic salts and compounds your body cannot or will not use, thus creating a mix of materials that if reintroduced to the body makes your body work harder as it dehydrates you further.

Drinking your own urine, as the Fat Guys in the Woods host explained, is never a good idea.

Whether it is ever an acceptable idea depends on your situation.

If the situation is dire enough, it might be your only choice, but by opting to drink your own urine, you are running the risk of further and more acute dehydration over the middle to long-term.


  1. Chris Oelerich said:

    It’s always good to collect knowledge and good information even if there is a 100% chance as in this scenario of ever drinking my own and or God forbid someone else’s urine. The author didn’t however have to write paragraphs on this subject, one sentence in fact three words would have been quite sufficient to get the point across as in ‘Don’t drink piss’. When I am hiking or hunting I always take a hydration pack and a small filtration unit in case I get stuck and have to drink from a pond or stream. For desert hiking I take half again what I think I will need and as long as I have been doing this have never had to dig into my reserves. Lastly when I am out I also keep a substantial reserve of enhanced water in my truck, again, in the unlikely event I go through my supply I have a ready when I get back.

  2. Chas Smith said:

    In desert or dunes I always gorge on water before leaving vehicle.


