Counter Tactics: How to Avoid Trouble Post-Collapse

hooded man in the shadows

When a disaster occurs we, for the most part, know where we stand. Most of us have families to protect so we cannot just leave and go looking for trouble. We need to stay put for awhile or bug-out, while still protecting what is ours.

No doubt if the disaster is big we can expect riots from those individuals who have little to lose so we absolutely must be on the defense. This, of course, is why so many people want to bug in during a SHTF scenario.

They understand their homes, know the ins and outs, and feel they can protect themselves best by hunkering down with their own well thought-out safety measures, pantry full of supplies, and a backyard and garage filled with survivor gear.

That is not such a bad thing. Much better than going out and getting hammered by the bad guys, right?

Yet, there will come a time when you have to leave the comfort of home or even your bug-out area and on the following page, we offer you some survival tactics and how you can avoid trouble post-collapse!

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  1. Terry Head said:

    Can anyone help me with the names of companies making underground bunkers,i have lost my list of names.thanks

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