Consider These 4 Essential Things When Bugging Out and Take the Guess Work Out of Living Off the Grid

three people wearing backpacks

Bugging out is no easy task. It requires a lot of planning, a lot of preparation and a lot of practicing and trial and error before you come up with a bug out plan that works best for you.

There are a lot of things to consider: who you'll be bugging out with, what you'll need to take with you, what vehicle you should use, where you'll be going, etc. In most bug out situations, you'll want to carry supplies with you to aid in your journey. What those supplies are is going to depend a lot on the individual needs of you and your family.

Also, what vehicle you're going to take is going to depend a lot on where you live and where you are bugging out to. There is a lot of information out there to consider when making the plans to bug out in an emergency.

To learn what the most important features are for you to consider in your bug out plans, take a look at the next page to read this informative list.

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