Compelling Reasons You Need to Add Glow Sticks to Your Survival Arsenal NOW

glow sticks for survival

Glow sticks are an area of major prepper and survival specialist disagreements.

On the one hand, there are those who would say that glow sticks are nothing but a waste of weight, a waste of space, and are practically useless to boot. On the other hand, there is a segment of preppers who would say that not only are glow sticks an extremely useful tool to have in the event of emergencies. They believe they are practically invaluable to the point that they wouldn't be caught dead without having several in their bug out bag.

A glow stick, those things little kids can be seen playing with on the Fourth of July and Memorial Day barbecues, have quite a few uses, and not all of them are limited to small children running about in circles.

These nifty little chemical reactions are actually quite ingenious, and if you pack them in your bug out bag, you will be too. Learn some incredibly useful SHTF tips and tricks for them on the next page.

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  1. Dave Hummel said:

    ^ I’m with Joe. I pack glow sticks even the small cheap ones for one reason. When I was much younger on an overnight hunting trip I stayed out too late. It was really really dark, no moon and no stars, in a heavily forested area. I could not find my camp. I was alone so calling out was not an option. Then threw the trees I spotted a small light. It was a glow stick I was dinking around with earlier in the day. It was hanging at the entrance of my tarp. In the darkness it shown like a 100 lumens lantern.
    Since then I never go anywhere without at least two.

  2. Joseph David Johnson said:

    I mean, they weight almost nothing and yo can get a pack of 5 or 10 for cheap around the 4th of July.

  3. Tilo Hertel said:

    Well, my grandma used to say: “Der beste Rat ist der Vorrat.” which you can translate: the best supply is the “storesupply”

  4. Justin St Louis said:

    I bring them along just in case I find myself with a moment to spare to whip them around like nun-chucks for hippies all spun out on acid tryin to be campers.

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