Common Sense Tips to Make a Home Burglar-Proof


Estimates vary, but statistics show that an attempted burglary happens about once ever 20 seconds in the United States.

That means over two million homes will be broken into annually and of those, in 30 percent of the cases, the burglar gained access to the home through an open window or door.

But that means in 70 percent of the burglaries, they broke in, which should be a cause of concern for all of us.

In a survival situation, it is a very safe bet those figures for annual burglaries will skyrocket.

As people get desperate, they do desperate things; we saw that in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and Super Storm Sandy as well as after the riots in urban centers over the last few years.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take that will help thwart a burglary or even convince a criminal to leave your house alone.

To see what some of them are, check out the next page.

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  1. Eric L Runion said:

    Your followers don’t have any of that I think Donald trumps going to be a good president

  2. Jeff Stevens said:

    Burglar proof ? Really ? If they want in they get in. Be prepared to defend your home when your there. When your not, your house could have steel shutters covering the windows and doors and if they think there’s something valuable inside they will get in and get it.

  3. Ryan Snell said:

    Here, lemme just pry these GLASS, French doors open with this LONG, HEAVY, METAL crowbar… Wtf…

  4. Michael Smith said:

    That should buy you plenty of time to reach the shotgun and make that phone call.

  5. Timmy Crouch said:

    There is a universal key to every house with a window, its called a rock

  6. Ron Swanson said:

    Guns and dogs seems to work just fine at my house to keep out trespass’N’ sum bitches. over 40 years Not 1 dumb sum$#%&!@*has broke in yet.

  7. Jeff Ovington said:

    If a burglar want to get in bad enough he will find away.
    Look at people brazen enough to Rob banks or Casino
    S or Museums and get away with it.
    Me myself being in the Construction Industry,
    know that many standards set are based on Grade of Construction standards.
    For example Military Gov and Hospital
    followed by others.
    I bitten line, if you want a Invasion proof home.
    Build it yourself, cause trusting any Contractor
    would to do it for you, would be a compromise.
    Expect to pay a lot, and know there is always a guy that will put it to the test.

  8. Mark Dempsey said:

    Put up a placard telling your neighbours you’re a fully fledged ISIS fan…..they’ll all be watching your house 24/7.

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