Common Mistakes Survivalists Make That Can Cause a Person Serious Harm

out of water

Knowing how to make it through a survival situation is tough enough, without making the task harder by committing common mistakes many survivalists make.

This list covers some of the big ones.

Not Having Enough Water

Stocking up on water is not glamorous, it’s certainly not sexy, but your life sure as hell depends on it. While stocking up on water may not be as exciting as buying guns, ammo, and gear; it’s one of the most important things you can do, and should be number one on your list of priorities.

They put too Much Importance on Their Gear

Newbies, and even some old timers, often obsess over their gear. They sometimes put so much emphasis on stockpiling gear that it can actually start to hinder their ability to survive without it.

I love survival gear as much as the next guy, but the problem highlights something

I see in all aspects of society: our culture has become addicted to the quick and easy fix. In survival, that doesn’t exist.

They lack the Knowledge it takes to Really Survive

KNOWLEDGE in the key to survival. You can own every piece of survival gear ever made, but if you lack the skills to survive that gear is useless. To be truly prepared you need to learn how to survive without your gear.  Once you have a good grasp of what’s needed to survive without it, then you can start to focus on what gear you should buy.

Becoming too dependent on your Guns & Ammo

There are a number of people who I’ve encountered over the years that think having a gun means they’re somehow prepared to survive anything. In my opinion, that type of thinking is not only juvenile, but it also shows a complete misunderstanding of what it really takes to survive. Stocking up on guns and ammo is definitely important, without them you’re putting yourself and your family at risk, but it’s also not the be-all-and-end-all of survival.

There are a ton of mistakes new survivalists (and some old-timers) can and do make that hinder their ability to survive easily.

The mistakes on this list, however, can be deadly if they rear their ugly head in a dire survival setting.

To learn more about mistakes survivalists make and how to avoid them, check out Off Grid Survival.


