(VIDEO) Check Out This Clever Way to Make Fire… Without Tinder

making fire without tinder

Picture yourself out in the deep, dark woods. It is freezing and you’d love to build a fire but you left your tinder at home. Instead of beating yourself up it’s time to improvise!

More and more lately, a fire steel device seems to be the survival tool of record. When your matches and lighters are gone you will still have your handy steel! And as long as you can make tinder with wood shreddings you will never be without an all-important fire!


  1. George Wiltfong said:

    so im wondering when you guys are gonna show somthing new i grew up with this s**t

  2. Darren Sabin said:

    Listen, if you really need to watch this to figure this common sense approach, just stay out of the woods……please.


