Check Out This Bizarre Life Saving Bed That “Swallows” You During an Earthquake!

earthquake proof bed

There are different things you should do if you happen to be in bed during an earthquake.

But what if your bed doubled as an earthquake proof shelter – sort of a literal “shelter in place” contraption that swallowed you before the building around you fell around your head?

The details are sketchy as to how this would work, but the general concept is that movement would trigger the bed to swing literally into action. Amazingly enough, the mattress you would be sleeping on would collapse inside a steel container, and a rod would secure overhead, essentially locking you in a container.

Some models come with survival supplies, although access seemed to be a challenge.

Allegedly, one model sustained a blow of more than 3,000 pounds.

To see how this contraption works, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Gregg Pastore said:

    Hell no. Spending my last couple days trapped in a box doesn’t a sound like fun to me.

  2. Randy Burke said:

    imagine getting trapped in this thing under rubble…$#%&!@*that

  3. Frank Harden said:

    How do you get out, is there food and water? And most importantly how do you go to ttlhw bathroom while you’re trapped in a box for who knows how long?

  4. Corey Young said:

    So a bed you can’t have sex on? I will keep my money thanks.


