Check Out This Awesome Container Garden That Self Waters!

We all love our gardens but having one that is practically self-sufficient, elegant and also waters itself is definitely a plus. For preppers the “elegant” part probably does not matter as much s the other factors but if it can be nice looking then why not?

Honestly, this is a fantastic idea, just what many new and seasoned gardeners are looking for. It can be adapted or big yards and small — and even greenhouses!

There are various items you will need for this project, including wood (for boxes), plastic sheets, drainage pipes, plastic boxes, zip ties, screws, and a drill.
Survivalists and preppers will love the great bushy vegetables that it will produce but other can use it simply for growing flowers or just a lot of nice grasses and shrubs!

Check out the great photos on page two and see how you too can build an awesome container garden that self -waters. It does take a few specialized tools but the time saved will be well worth it.

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