Check Out These Useful Items to Add to Your Bug-Out Bag

If you are in a survival situation, little morale builders can be as important as having all the right survival gear, food or equipment.

These items can make your life much easier as well as keep your morale up throughout whatever you are facing.

Clean people are more socially acceptable – especially when arriving in a strange area. The Scrubba Wash Bag – $45 from is a great way to make up for the fact that you are secretly sleeping in your car.

This magic bag promises to help you stay cleaner and therefore more welcome. You simply push the sweaty and smelly clothes you slept in, into the bag, add some warm water and detergent, lock the bag and rub it for 15 minutes and tada! clean clothes for the road.

Offering a cup of quality coffee is a great way to break the ice – but it can set you back $3 a pop – or more in cities.The MiniPresso GR Espresso Maker is a compact travel mate for the coffee-lover on the move. The tiny device fits in the pocket and does not need electricity or battery (let alone a Wi-Fi connection). It relies on the user pumping it to brew a strong cup.

Neither of these items is a life-saver, but in a survival situation can help open doors when dealing with new people as well as help keep your morale up to healthy levels.

Because they are very compact, they can fit into almost any survival or bug-out kit, and you will hardly know they are there until you need them.

To see other items like this, please visit Off Grid.

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