Check Out the Best States to Head to When All Hell Breaks Loose


Just about every person has a bug out or a bug in plan, a strategy for what to do when a survival crisis hits and it's necessary to move to a safer location.

However, less considered is where a person should go beyond “the camp” or another safe space.

Ask yourself if your bug out location is optimal for long-term survival. Are there any obstacles or threats that exist that would affect your quality of life? Where would be the alternative best place to go?

Less considered is where to go beyond “the camp” or some other predesignated safe space.

These are the types of questions that don't usually get asked, especially if a person already has a bug out location planned out.

However, knowing where to go in a survival situation or shortly after is as important as knowing how to get there.

To discover what one person thinks the optimal places are to head to in a survival situation, check out the next page. 

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  1. Jesse Gregory James said:

    Y’all head to those states but the government will find you you won’t catch me heading there this is the kind of stuff the government watches

  2. EBT said:

    Greetings! Have a successful day!

  3. Ivah Onstott said:

    You do not want to go to those big cities if something happens. Why are they posting that?

  4. Terry Pugesek said:

    Guessing someone that lives in a big city put this list together. LOL. Really?!

  5. Ryan Hood said:

    I’m staying here in Utah where I know the land. In most cases why would you go somewhere you have to learn how to survive in that place all over again unless you have no other choice?

  6. Storm Claypoole said:

    Stick to the great plains. Nebraska and east from there! Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are infected with all sorts of nasty stuff…. And the bugs are bigger than your head! Oh and it gets -60 below there, and there are rabid animals everywhere, and also snipers.. Yes, snipers everywhere. Keep your distance.

  7. Tim Earl said:

    Lies. Tn is full of Russians, Muslims, and Chinese. New Madrid Fault denotes many of these dots. Smh RESEARCH MUCH?

  8. Zack Drury said:

    Some them states I don’t think so mountain terrain where I would go.

  9. Ed Roberts said:

    The variables of where and when and how things could go bad are so many that one plan is impossible! so many would be needed for each person! Many good ideas may work or you might not even be able to get out of the city at all! Money is a big issue too! I moved to the mountains far from trouble but electricity is still my biggest issue! It will be addressed but that money issue means it will be a while!

  10. John LaVada said:

    I live in Upstate NY in the Adirondack Mountains. Tough winters but I would stay right here. To have places on the list like down by NYC and DC is dumb

  11. Beth Ettinger said:

    While Idaho and Montana may be 1 and 2 on the list, They are not easy places to live. You would be ill advised to head there when all hell breaks loose for several reasons. The weather is severe and winter is brutal. Growing things here is a lot different to growing things in other regions. While we are mostly friendly folks and help each other out, I wouldn’t expect that in this situation. We will do what we need to survive first. If you plan to do that, you had better be buying a place there now, not many of us will be too eager to help the ill prepared.
    Not trying to be mean just giving you the facts.

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