Check Out How to Make a Solvent Trap Cleaning System From a Flashlight

Solvent Trap Cleaning System

The Solvent Trap Cleaning System is an easy-to-make cleaning system that lets you collect and analyze the residue and debris that gun solvent washes out of your firearm.

It lets you analyze patterns in dirt, collect any metal shavings and gives you a better idea of how well your firearm is functioning.

With modification, the Solvent Trap Cleaning System can be altered into a suppressor.

This is not recommended unless you fill out the appropriate federal paperwork as well as ensure that you are in adherence with all state gun laws.

Used as it is intended, this cleaning system lets you analyze the left over residue and debris from your firearm, which then allows you to determine if your firearm is functioning at peak performance.


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  2. Boyd Dale said:

    Jesse Dale here’s something to watch while your at work .


