Canning For Survival: What You CAN’T Can

If you are like us you have had a Grandparent or even Great Grandparent that has canned fruits or vegetables. They are all knowledgeable and swear by their old fashion methods of food preservation. After all, it's worked for years so why should we not trust them now?

Yet, there are other and what some would call better ways to can foods. Scientific ways, carefully tested methods with established guidelines. After all, the foods today actually are different than what was around one hundred years ago. Careful testing cannot hurt!

Trust the USD. Their safety guidelines on such matters are always updated and their outlook has changed very little since wartime during the mid twentieth century, when canning was encouraged.

Now, with all of this in mind, there are times when canning is not the answer. There are certain foods that should never be canned and good reasons.

Please go to page two to read up on some of these no-can foods.

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