Building the Ideal Bug Out Vehicle a Prepper Can Rely On


If you haven't done so already, you may want to consider investing in a vehicle bugout kit to keep in your car just in case. Having a portable bugout kit is not only convenient (it saves you from having to locate your kit hidden deep in a closet), but it also can also prove a life-saver in a variety of situations.

What if you're stranded in a remote area and you car breaks down?

What you put in your portable bugout kit is up to you, but we got some ideas that will help you get a head start on building your bugout kit.

Many of these items are the essentials you know you'll need, but a few of the things on the list may just surprise you!

Start making a list of the things you and your family will need! Get inspired and check out the following list on the next page.

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