Bug Out Bags: Why it’s Vital to Tailor Them to a Family’s Individual Needs

bug out bags

If you are single and alone, bugging out is just a matter of having your stuff at hand and getting out when it is convenient.

For most of us, however, bugging out involves at least one other person and probably many people and that means many different bug-out and survival needs.

There are several items in any bug-out bag that will be used by everyone – first aid, meal food, shelter, etc.

But most in your party will have different needs, attention spans and wants.

That is why tailoring your bug-out bag to each individual not only makes sense from a “what can they reasonably haul” perspective, but also from a need and want perspective.

Packing an adult bug-out bag for a kid, for example, will likely lead to a kid who never uses most of the stuff in their bag.

How would you tailor your bug-out bags for your family? Tell us below.


