Bots Are Starting to Take Over Our Campsites and Permits


Technology has revolutionized our lives.

From how we sleep and eat to how we spend our leisure and work time, chances are much of all of that are regulated, monitored, aided and in some cases thwarted (I hate those calorie tracker apps) by technology.

One area that you might not have thought about technology meddling, however, is at our nation's campsites.

Camping is that one part of life that is supposed to still be simple = and technology free – but here we are in 2017, having to deal with computer bots grabbing campsites and permits for resale on the Internet.

This trend follows bots grabbing up concert and sporting event tickets and is a growing problem in the camping industry.

To learn more about bots and how they are causing havoc in camping reservation systems, check out the next page!

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  1. Michael Strickland said:

    From what I understand it is a computer program that will automatically purchase the camp sites and then that person can resale them for a profit.

  2. Melinda Jeffery said:

    I’m so sick of the shear greed that people exhibit these days. Nobody can just enjoy anything anymore without somebody trying to make a buck off them.

  3. Reese Neelly said:

    Gotta find the trash running these bots and water board THEM until n they really drown

  4. Stephen Playford said:

    So those robot bastards failed to kill Sarah Conners, and now they are taking our campsites instead? Damn them!

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