Best Medicinal Plants for Preppers and How They Can Help Aid People During the Collapse

herbs and flowers

Imagine, for a moment, that SHTF, for real, and you no longer have access to a medical doctor, pharmacy, or even to simple over-the-counter medications. If you don't tend to have medical issues, then this may not mean much to you.

But what about somebody you love?

Everybody has at least one person who's very close to them and has some sort of health ailment. These sicknesses can be mundane, like allergies, or can branch into the life-threatening, like asthma.

If you can't get your hands on any medications, how are you going to help this person when they have a flare-up and desperately need medical aid?

This is a question that many preppers are surely asking themselves. Rightly so; it's a scary thought, but one that needs to be considered.

Luckily, there is a whole world of excellent plants that can cure all that ails us; all you have to do is take a look at the list on the next page.

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  1. Zach Berube said:

    Not a herb but L- Lysine ( amino acid) is a good and cheap antiviral that can be picked at wally world

  2. Chris Nichols said:

    The following essential oils are top tier for the condition described in the article:
    1. Asthma
    eucalyptus, franckincens, peppermint, thyme, oregano, lemon, myrrh, lavender, geranium, cypress.
    (breath or apply to chest throat and back)
    2. Immune system
    oregano,melaleuca (tea tree), rosemary, clove, franckincens, geraniums, lemon. (apply to bottoms of feet, back, arm pits, and around lymph nodes).
    3. High blood pressure
    lemon, ylang ylang, marjoram, eucalyptus, lavender.
    (low blood pressure)
    (apply to soles of feet, hands, and heart)
    4. Anxiety
    lavender, orange, lemon, ylang ylang, franckincens, cedar wood, juniper berrie. (inhale or apply to back of neck, temples, and soles of feet)
    5. Burns
    lavender, geranium, melaleuca, peppermint, helichrysum, Roman chamomile.
    6. Colds
    thyme, lemon, melaleuca, sandalwood, eucalyptus, rosemary, lime, peppermint (For congestion)
    (inhale or apply to throat, temples, forehead, back of neck, sinuses, below nose, and soles of feet)
    7. Depression
    lemon, franckincens, lavender, bergamot, rosemary, ylang ylang, grapefruit, clary sage, line. (inhale or apply to forehead or temples)
    8. Diarrhea
    peppermint, and ginger (1- 2 drops taken internally) geranium, orange, patchouli, melaleuca, sandalwood. (apply to abdomen or as a worm compress to expected area)
    9. Arthritis

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