Be Prepared to Survive. Here Are Essential Emergency Supplies That Can Save Your Life.

list of survival supplies

Living through a SHTF situation is all about having the right gear. If you were to stop simply drinking water today or were to stop eating today, eventually you would die. It's as simple as that.

Making sure you live through a SHTF situation is why the main goal of a successfully-stocked survival pantry is to provide for all of the basic needs of you and your family.

If you forget even one essential survival tool, the ripple effect could be catastrophic, and you could soon find yourself in a world of hurt. Many survival experts recommend preparing for a survival situation of up to 6 months to a year; that's a huge window in which forgetting supplies could really hurt you.

To get the rundown on everything you need to check off your list, take a look on the next page.

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