Be Prepared for Whatever Danger Comes Your Way With THIS DIY War Hammer!

war hammer

Forget The Danger When SHTF. You Can Confidently Stay Safe By Using This DIY War Hammer. Learn How To Craft One Of These Devastating Weapons Here…

We all know SHTF is coming, it's only a matter of time. We've been quietly preparing for years, soaking in survivalist movies and post-apocalyptic thrillers, taking mental notes of what works and what doesn't work against the numerous threats will be one day stacked against us.

When pressed, most people will say that their planned defense against a wild animal or whatever threat they're overcoming is either a shotgun, machete or ax. But shotguns run out of ammunition and machetes tend to get stuck.

With a little ingenuity and some plumbing hardware, you can craft yourself and awesome DIY war hammer that will quickly get the job done.

Learn how to make this cool DIY weapon and get ready for the upcoming SHTF situation.

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  1. Chris Rolen said:

    With interchangeable ends a axe, spike, ect just screw it on and there you go.

  2. Kyra Cunningham said:

    Joseph Middleton Hooligan Huff. Here it is fellas. We need a diy war hammer day!

  3. Joshua Sieber said:

    Still don’t understand why I need to click 3 different links to see what you’re saying, but it’s always cool s**t

  4. Jacob Wampler said:

    Derek Mecklenburg we can make these. One day we may need to save the world.

  5. Joshua Luce said:

    Not to mention this specific hammer can be used as a water tight storage compartment for matches, seeds, fishing kit, etc.

  6. Jace Headley said:

    Great idea. I’d change it up in a few ways that would make it more useful and more effective but its a good starting point

  7. Snyder Smith said:

    The threading doesnt handle impacts or prying pressure well, especially if it becomes rusty. Sealing will be key for longevity.

  8. Alex Anders said:

    Yeah- forget a regular 20 oz hammer.

    Make one that does the same exact$#%&!@* weighs at least ten times heavier, and probably costs about ten times what the hammer three isles away does.

  9. Eric Britt said:

    Be prepared for any danger that comes your way… except anything that shoots at you… or has a knife… or isn’t a toddler…

  10. Rick Brasche said:

    I did one of these with a longer handle roughly twice that of the ones available in the store.

  11. Larry Chambers said:

    We’ve pretty much known how to make clubs since the stone age, thanks though.

  12. Bruce Klicker said:

    lol no doubt. id rather make something that shoots 12 gauge bird shot out of that same steel tubing, instead of a damn hammer lol seriously

  13. Chris Allmond said:

    If someone needs a Facebook, TV or the Internet to tell them how to make a weapon or anything as simple as what your showing they might as well give up now. What’s next instructions on how to use it.

  14. Donnie Shulka said:

    12 gauge slugs have been making bad guys chest cavities look like jello salad for over 100 years.

  15. Arnold Kidla said:

    Guy was annoying. Every other word was uh, ah, uh, ah. He must have just learned to talk too.

  16. Dustin Dailey said:

    I’d do a fusion rape handle before wrapping. 1. It’s a fantastic and comfortable grip that’s crazy durable(I wrapped my hammer in it 2 years ago and haven’t had to replace the tape yet and I work construction part time). 2. When you need to use the cordage you still get to handle this thing with less possibility of self harm.

  17. Charles Janoe said:

    Actually I have taken the Screw plugs and replaced them I took a piece of steel the same diameter and pipe threaded it and then trurned it so it would be a spike. and the other end I welded the pipe screw end to a hatchet head. That way I could uncrew them and add other “pints” as needed.


